Tues, Weds, Fri, Sat, Sun:
10:30 - 14:00
15:00 - 18:30
Mon + Thurs: Closed

Our resident cats are all rescues from various backgrounds.
We give these cats a happy life with us, with plenty of stimulation and lots of spaces they can go if they want some alone time.
If a cat is not 100% happy with us, then we will search for a purr-fect home for them.
All cats are fully vet checked, tested and vaccinated to ensure they are in tip top health before bringing them to the café. They are also spayed/neutered. We are advocates for all cats being spayed/neutered and not being bred for their looks or for profit. There are too many out there who already need a home.
Our cats are cats, not performers, so please be aware that they might be sleeping when you visit as cats love to sleep for around 16 hours a day. If they want to play, then we have plenty of toys available and encourage you to interact with them.
All of us here at Tabby Teas are passionate about cats and we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have during your visit.
You can read about our fabulous felines, past and present, below.
Our Cats
Our Cats
The current Tabby Teas Team!

Hall Of Heroes
Cats who have been re-homed or are no longer with us...